One Stop for All Your Nebraska Crop Insurance Needs
Remember the drought of 2012 — who doesn’t? Think it’ll be back any time soon — who knows? For sure, we can’t predict the future, but with today’s climate uncertainty, it’s never been more important to be protected with crop insurance.
Want proof? Recently published figures show that crop insurance protected more than 20,000 jobs in Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota and Wyoming in that drought year. No wonder crop insurance is often labeled as a “risk management tool”.
But these days, in addition to the federally-mandated crop insurance program, more and more insurers are offering add-ons that can significantly reduce risk exposure and secure the future of your farming business.
Most recently, we’ve seen the introduction of Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) — a major development for the farming industry.
That’s why is makes sense, when you’re seeking crop insurance, to speak to the experts who can help you make the most of available protection.
In that case, you should be talking to the crop insurance specialists at Scribner Insurance Agency.
We’ve been providing expert advice to farmers across rural Nebraska for many years, establishing a reputation as one of the foremost crop insurance specialists in the state.
The Scribner Crop Insurance Program
We offer the full range of USDA Risk Management Agency coverages, with policies for more than 100 crops.
These include revenue protection against yield losses due to natural causes (including policies with harvest price exclusion), actual production history and actual revenue history policies, and pasture, rangeland and forage (PRF) insurance.
We can also provide beyond-basic catastrophic (private supplemental) risk protection endorsements, and high-risk alternative coverage endorsements.
In addition to the federally-mandated multiple peril crop insurance program, Scribner Insurance Agency has access to separate coverage for excluded risks like hail and wind damage (crop-hail insurance), as well as vandalism and transportation and storage hazards such as fires.
Furthermore, if your crop falls outside the federal coverage list, we can secure protection via the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance program
How You Benefit from the Scribner Crop Insurance Solution
Here at Scribner Insurance Agency, we don’t just provide insurance. We give you the friendly customer service you expect and the speedy support you need if you have to make a claim.
The Federal Crop Insurance program’s requirements for documentation are exhaustive. So are producer obligations on premium payments and loss reporting. You may need help in working your way through all of this. We do that.
We can also guide you through other risk management issues as well as conservation compliance — and we work with only the leading multi-peril insurers.
We get to know our clients and their businesses, so we’re always on the lookout for ways of better serving them, reducing risks or costs if we can.
We’ve been around a long time and we understand all the ins and outs of crop farming.
Give Lonny or Schawn a call today!
The best time to explore and arrange your crop insurance is when everything is running smoothly.
Waiting till things go wrong won’t work.
So, talk to Lonny or Schawn. If you’re already insured, we’ll review your coverage and give you an honest opinion, at no charge.
If you’re seeking new crop insurance, you’ll have the comfort of knowing you’ll be speaking with experts who understand your needs.
Don’t wait. Get in touch today!